Monday, November 7, 2011

Tuesday Tickler

A Study in Characters

We learn a lot about our own characters by the actions they take. We learn a lot about characters in general by looking at the people around us.

For this Tuesday Tickler, look around at the people you see on the street, the bus, or at a restaurant. Describe what they look like, but also focus on what they are doing. Once you have your description, try to write a scene about these characters.

Here are a couple ideas to start you off:

An early 20s white male, baggy jeans and a hoodie, parks his new, massive, red SUV in a university parking lot. He pulls from the back seat a backpack with a local band patch and a skateboard with a couple of peace signs and a "Save the Trees" sticker. He slings the backpack over his left shoulder and carries the skateboard to class.

A late 20s white male, in jeans and denim jacket, drives his blue moped through a busy intersection. He is staring down at his side, texting on his iPhone which sticks out of his pocket.

What are the possible stories surrounding these characters? Explore!

Image courtesy The National Archives,, licensed as Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivs through Creative Commons.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday Tickler

Use description to investigate the effects of a catastrophe.

Photo courtesy blakesamic,, licensed as Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivs through Creative Commons.